Regularly Scheduled Activities

Rapier & Heavy Weapons Practices (Steel Therapy): Every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm at Ovation Playhouse, 75 Stark St, Hudson PA, 2nd floor.

Combined practices are also being held with our neighbor group, the Shire of Sterling Vayle, every Thursday evening at The West Windsor Baptist Church located at 166 North Rd, Windsor, NY 13865. 

Contact the Captain of Fence or the Knight Marshal for more details.

Endless Hills Thespians & Bards: Every Thursday evening at 7 pm, at the home of Baron Nicolo, 1011 Crown Ave, Scranton, PA. Contact Baron Nicolo for more details.

Largesse Workshop, 1st Monday of the month, 7 pm at the home of Baron Nicolo, 1011 Crown Ave, Scranton, PA

Sewing Circle: Last Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm, at the home of Lady Emine bint Yazid, 6132 Lakeview Lane, Swiftwater, PA 18370

For more information about overall activities, contact our  Chatelaine.


Medieval and Renaissance Demos

Are you an activities coordinator, Scout leader, teacher, or anyone else interested in a live demonstration of Medieval life? Our volunteer members are happy to showcase skills such as armor-making, mock combat in armor, fencing, calligraphy and illumination, fiber arts such as embroidery and costume-making, talks about medieval history and daily life, and much more. Demos are free of charge; donations are accepted but not expected.

Please contact Our Chatelaine for more information.