-Given “for those who strive to present themselves in a historically accurate manner and for tremendous displays of pageantry, overall contributing to recreating a period feel for the Barony”

-Created by Baron Robert and Baroness Isabella on June 5, 2004 (AS 39)

-The principal of the Banner is Duncan von Halstern

-There is no official symbol or heraldry for the Banner

Duncan von Halstern (principal)6/5/2004Robert & Isabella
Ulrich Drachendonner8/15/2005
Murdoch Bayne1/28/2006
Barbary Rose11/1/2008Ulrich Drachendonner
Maria Piekneplotno11/12/2011Gunnar I & Barbary I
Po Silvertop10/24/2015Gunnar II & Barbary II
Doovay de Vadasz6/3/2017Stefan I & Fiona I
Ulfkell Dungelsson5/25/2018
Æsa Helgufsdottir8/25/2018
Kateryna Ty Isaf6/1/2019Stefan II & Fiona II
Tigernach mac Cathail1/1/2020
Cormac Mac Gilla Brigde5/28/2022
Kolfinna Jodisardottir5/28/2022Magge & Nicolo
Updated 6/5/22